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How We Protect Your Privacy

Whenever you visit one of Urbanrest’s locations or websites, you trust us to take care of you. Sometimes we may collect information about you in order to provide a better, more personal overall experience. It is important to us that you understand how we ensure your personal information is secure.

Information We Collect

On our website, we use multiple services to collect anonymous information about your visit, including Google Analytics, The Facebook Platform, and Twitter Services. Information such as your operating system, the version of your web browser, your screen resolution, and your behavior throughout your visit (buttons you click, pages you navigate to, etc.) are collected and stored off-site and managed by the 3rd party service provider. This is used to help us understand how to improve our presence online and create enhancements that benefit everyone.

Information We Share

We do not share any of your voluntary submissions or personal information with any other services. Information collected through 3rd party services, however, are subject to their respective policies.

Information Security

We will do our best to protect any information you provide to us, voluntary or not. We encrypt all website communications using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). We do not store passwords, credit card numbers, or GPS location information. We promise to regularly review our policies and procedures to guard against unauthorized access of your information.

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